This year in my photography class we each made our own photo book with our own work inside and I entitled mine Records. I felt like this title was perfect because of the contents of my book and the meaning of all the pictures that were inside.
This summer we have been working on our very own literary magazine and just a few days ago we finished it. It's... amazing. I'm so very, very proud of all the work we've done and I really hope that Meg & Dia like it. While brainstorming titles Nova asked me if we could use the title of my photobook, Records, and I was more than happy to use that name.
So here I am, holding the new lit mag in my hands. It's beautiful. We all did a great job and Nova definitely knocked herself out working on all the layouts and backgrounds. It makes me feel like I've done something great. So this Saturday at Warped Tour we'll give it to Meg & Dia. I don't think that I've ever been this nervous before... It's a lot to handle. I'm about to handle some of my deepest feelings to the people who inspired me to actually do something this summer... and with my life.
I'm happy. Undeniably happy. I have something to do every day now, and something to be proud of. Something that I helped create.
The book is around twenty five dollars. If you want one let me know. I promise you, you will love it.
Here's a few pages:

All of those pages have been written by myself and the backgrounds were created by Nova/Rachel in photoshop. The book is about thirty or so pages with poetry, prose, photography, photo manipulation, and short stories by me, Nova, and Lauren. Rebecca helped with editing and helping me survive the stressfulness...
That's all for now. More later. :)