Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Cycle

Life is a plot that spins and spins.
Why is it so hard to accept life as it happens?
You said, “Well, it really just depends.”
I say, “Love is a circle…”
“And it never ends.”

So live in the cycle,
See if I care.
I’ve had enough of my share.
So live in the cycle,
See if I care.

I’ve seen it once.
I’ve said it again.
I’ve said it once.
I’ve seen it again.
I say, “Life is a circle…”
I repeat, “and it will never end.”

Flow in the cycle, never end.
Same thing, over and over again.

Flow in the cycle, never end.
Same thing, over and over again.

So live in the cycle,
See if I care.
History, I’ve had enough of my share.
Live in the cycle,
See if I care.
So, Live in the cycle,
I won’t care.

Flow in the cycle, it won’t end.
Over,  and over, and over again.

((It is, in fact, supposed to be repetitive. Enjoy!))

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Don't Let It Get To You


That's my best friend's favorite word. Just, "yo." It's so short, so simple. I mean, is yo even a real word? When did people start saying yo?
Anyway, it sort of says a lot about her. She's such a different person, and you have no idea how she got to be as who she is. She's different, and awesome, and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Anyway. Sometimes life does things. It wants to get to your head, bring you down, or... something of the sort.

When this happens to me, I like to think of what my friend would say. She's always so clever and so funny. I love having her around. You should always keep around the people who make you happy.

If someone doesn't make you happy, you probably shouldn't keep them around. Not a good relationship.

But still, life goes on and no matter what is going on that's bringing you down... Just don't let it get to you. It's not worth it.

Throw on some music, do a little dance, and move on with your life. The more fun you have, the better it will be.