Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Notice that little "Ask Me Anything" box to the right over there? At the bottom, I think.

Well, you can ask me any question there and I will answer it, but I think that someone asked me a question and I didn't get to read all of it. So if you sent me a question about four or five weeks ago...

Well, here's the question. I would like to know all of it, because if it it really something that someone wants to know, I would love to answer it for them.
The Question:

"hey there:).though it was a lot of text to read,it has really worth it!(i hope my eyes won't start screaming).i'm curious who are,not the adress and age answer,i want the the way,you aren't the only person in the world who has noticed ho"

So if you asked me this question, I would love to hear all of it and answer it for you. Just lemme know, alright?


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