Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Cycle

My life is a continuous cycle. I keep expecting things to change as I get older, but it just seems to be the same thing over and over again. You know how people say that history repeats itself? Well, this has proven to be true for my life time and time again.

Aren't people supposed to learn from their mistakes? It's how we grow and mature, but I really don't see anything changing... At least in the near future. I really hate being out of control of my own life. I think that I deserve to deal with my own mistakes, not those of others.

Someday I'll take myself out of the picture. Then maybe all of them can repeat history and I can finally experience something different...
Like... actual romantic feelings for a human being, maybe. Maybe I could experience love... or something.
Not that love is real or anything.

See... Here I am, second guessing myself. It's not a good habit.

Anyway, I wrote a song entitled The Cycle. I think that I've decided that I want to be a lyricist... So I could possibly find a band that's willing to try out some of my lyrics... Or just figure it out myself. I'm still learning guitar. I always feel bad about it when one of my friends comes over and they are so much better than I am...

Today was a good day. It's been a good weekend. Bentley has come back home for a visit. It's really nice to see her... Three weeks is too long.

Until we meet again,

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